Rules of Anarchy - Amaterasu Solar
Anarchy is not pandemonium, though the controllers have worked hard to conflate the two. Anarchy, comes from an meaning "no" and archon which means "ruler." Anarchy means no ruler, the idea that we are all sovereign. When you have no ruler, you are the crown of your domain.
This does not mean that there are no rules you are required, by aggregate society, to follow. OUt of nature come three areas of behavior that absolutely no one whould say would be okay to be done to them.
The first is the hurting or killing of their flesh without fully informed consent. No one would say this is fine by them. The second is the taking of what is theirs by another without fully informed consent. No one is happy when stolen from. The third is being defrauded in some way, and that can only happen without our fully informed consent.
In a society where all are sovereign, if none breaches these things or any one of them, someone loses sovereignty. But in a society following these rules, few problems will emerge. In such a society, all rights are preserved.
The Three Laws of Ethics
- Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of another.
- Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to you alone.
- Do not willfully defraud another (which can only happen without fully informed consent.)
I call these emergent rules the three Laws of Ethics, for surely doning any of these things is unethical, and conversely, I can't think of anything that does not break these rules, these laws, that is unethical. Let me know if you can. In anarchy, these are the rules, the three Laws of Ethics, and there's nothing to fear in a society grounded in ethics. No one will hurt you or kill you if you and all other ethical ones protect one another. No one will take or damage your stuff if you and all other ethical ones keep an eye out for evidence and report what you find. No one will defraud you lest, when found out, all ethical ones who care deliver ethical consequences to the fraudster.
Partial transcript of the video Rules of Anarchy. Also see Society Of Ethical Sovereigns.
The institution in our present society that creates the greatest breach of ethics is the State - the organization of legalized plunder. - Hogeye Bill