Against Authority page 13
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Now we define "propertarianism," which will be our standard of measurement.

propertarianism - support for sticky property systems
Hard propertarianism is the belief that only sticky property systems are desirable/moral.
Soft propertarianism is the belief that sticky property systems are morally permissable. It leaves open the possibility that other systems may be appropriate or desirable in some cases.

At this point we can look at various property "systems" (schemes, notions) in history, and try to use our concept of propertarianism as a basis for comparison. How propertarian or anti-propertarian is property system X? We get a rough estimate on a zero to ten scale by giving zero, one, or two points for each question below.

0 1 2
Capital goods collective possession sticky
Products of labor collective possession sticky
Land collective possession sticky
Profit from other's labor crime vice neither
Is money necessary? no maybe yes

Questions that property theories need to answer:

  1. Which type of property is capital goods - collective, possession, or sticky?
    Capital goods are machines/tools used to produce things, aka "means of production."
  2. Which type of property is products of labor - collective, possession, or sticky?
    This is intended to mean consumer goods, not capital goods.
  3. Which type of property is land - collective, possession, or sticky?
  4. Is profiting from someone else's labor ("usury") a crime, vice, or neither?
    I.e. should it be forbidden, allowed but peaceably discouraged, or is it okay?
  5. Is money necessary? No, maybe/don't know, or yes.
Against Authority page 13
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