Anarchist Synthesis Working Doc v1.0


Mack Jane's Volost Model

Anarchist Synthesis
United Anarchist Front

A volost is a socialist-oriented protection association which exclusively supports an enclave with collectively managed natural resources and means of production.


Guilds at their most basic levels are associations of craftsmen for their respective areas. What makes them different in ancom is they are aided by automation. A example of this is the freelancer just as the freelancer operates on a platform. the Anarchist Synthesis utilizes this same structure of craftsmen and the craftsmen associations and network. Rather than being bound by the area they are in automation allows guilds to reach beyond their respective backgrounds. The other advantage is that due to it being a guild formation there's multiple ways to run it. An example is that each craftsmen acquires his own parts, but they may have a central to pay for parts that need to be paid for Guildsman. To further upon this whether or not the raw materials is paid for is decided upon how the community or individual may see themselves. Some may want to purchase while other defense associations based on ancom principles may just wish to receive the raw resources. With the guilds how resources are used can be processed and demand be measured through the guild, defense association and supply chain itself. Unions are an aspect of this as the serves as another method that workers may want to organize as well.


Volosts were the self rule of peasants in Russia under the tsars before they were abolished by the soviet union. Volosts were self ruled by the peasants and this provides note of an immediate problem. How would one make a urban volost? With the shift of people to urban cities this is immediately pressing. Thus there must be the Defense associations and the independents. First the independent must be explained for how can someone be independent and live by a volost?

The Autonomous UAF Zone

An autonomous UAF zone should be separated entirely from other people, and founded on empty land rather than forced upon people who live in the area. Further, the peer to peer network provides foundational security as only those who have the trust of people within one as they fight and work together as a community and are morally principled people that are willing to adapt to a anarchist the Anarchist Synthesis society and the syndicalist defense association system. However it should be noted as well that collaboration to reach mutual goals with people who are not in Defense associations are fine as well due to the defense association being a separate organizing style.

The autonomous UAF zone refers to the final creation of the the Anarchist Synthesis system itself. When the UAF zone is established it will mean the full independence of the defense associations and guilds themselves. Due to the unlikelihood of immediate worldwide revolution these zones shall have the shell of a nation to protect itself from other nations, but it shall not have the features of a nation within itself. To further upon this the autonomous zone shall require the Diplomats, The envoys and other individuals who will represent and defend the the Anarchist Synthesis against unwanted aggression from other nation states. This includes other necessary features in order to protect our independence such as network, communication and other networks to provide defense and communication flow between Defense associations. Finally if the revolution becomes successful then it should be noted that other Defense associations that cannot travel or need protection should receive help from the autonomous zone be it financial, Security and other things.

Isolation and intervention

Isolation and intervention refers to the standing attitude of a autonomous zone. While a autonomous zone does not practice intervention on behalf of other groups it will provide help for other Defense associations that are in need of it. Isolation is a natural position that should be taken in order to avoid the autonomous zone to represent a state. Rather in the event of catastrophes should a interventionist attitude be taken and this needs to be done by the Defense associations NOT the diplomats or envoys. Rather the diplomats should represent, but the action comes from the Defense associations themselves and what they are able to offer to those affected by calamities.


Militarization refers to the necessary need of Defense associations to be armed and ready including independents. militarization of this type follows the traditional military structure. Militarization of the Defense associations is extremely important as the lessons of catalonia and many others show the need for the Defense associations to be able to respond to aggression on a unified front. For each defense association their should be a captain and for each grouping there should be a captain. Then for a collection of groupings their should be a general. Finally of all the generals the best should be the head of defense. It should be noted however that the generals above the captain have power limited to organizing and continuing to develop the defenses of the Defense associations till the need of defense is required as Defense associations are self sufficient and self ruled. It should also be noted however that they need to be training and still coordinating with the captains to sharpen their skills for this need. The captains are also electable by the people serve under them. If a captain fails to sharpen his skills or is generally disliked among his community and men then his position is electable.


In the event of an invasion the Defense associations will form ancapistan United forces. these forces will follow traditional models of forces of small elite forces derived from the respective Defense associations. which will work to ensure that the coalition itself is protected in times of need. what separates this from a traditional army structure is that it is not constant nor is there a mechanism to exert political power. as it is derived from a guild and defense association base the traditional commander will be the most experienced while each defense association has a commander for itself as well. to the traditional general working with Defense associations and guilds commands in times of crisis and directs in times of peace while respecting the commander of a defense association. only during a period of crisis whereby ancapistan is threatened will the general have the ability to command to provide a unified front to any aggressors. external security of assets of individuals outside of it will be left to the companies. this division is important as it allows security on a internal level free from the influence of the aristocrat while allowing individuals to protect their assets abroad without infringing on the neutrality of Defense associations.

Neutrality of Resources

This refers to the use of natural resources. Similar to first nation practices volosts must have an agreement that while using these that they need to be kept neutral or replenished in order to grow. An example of this is the use of oil that while we have no broad replacement for with automation we should strive to move past it to healthier alternatives.

How does one maintain this? Volosts and guilds are self governed by the people directly under them. If one person, for example, decides to prevent workers from forming associations, then other volosts or guilds can and will intervene on the worker's behalf. It should be noted however that business structures would not be much like current ones.

All volosts and guilds should also agree beforehand to not over-consume, and work on automation as well as keeping resources neutral. Historical groups such as nomadic and native American groups kept conditions stable. The aim is to reproduce this, but keep ourselves accountable by providing a base for future generations to live off of.

The Supply Chain Methodology

The supply chain methodology is in part tied to automation and the neutrality of resources. As resources are kept in a neutral state some items which may better the health of the people of the defense association can be provided without compensating. As resources are open access one can set up a supply chain from that to the defense association or grouping of Defense associations with the same ideas. This is to prevent the basic of materials to be provided with the proper coordination that becomes increasingly possible with advanced automation. This also serves to keep track and cut down on the type of inflation that occurs from there not being enough of a product. Rather resources are released based on a sustainable level basis. When these are released the demand is matched or unmatched based on basic needs summed as being water, food, and materials to build shelter being prioritized then following everything else.

The second part of this means that no one can claim ownership and exclusion of basic resource. These means that water and materials necessary for food and creating structures will not excluded from all nor will it be centrally controlled rather it shall be open access and keep in balance to keep the supply chains running and the communities sovereignties.

Self Sufficiency

Self sufficiency refers to the concept of the person being able to sufficiently provide for themselves.

Private Property

Unlike the historical term of private property we use a synthesis of modern capitalistic private property and the idea of ownership based on usage. First there are areas that need to be clarified. Firstly absentee ownership does indeed exist however it is based not on the idea of perpetual ownership, but rather the abandonment philosophy. The abandonment philosophy refers to the idea that as a property decays so does the claim to that said property. Take for example a property that is decaying natural by neglect of the owner or a desire to ignore it. A state defends this claim even if it is in a state of decay. However under the abandonment philosophy when the decay of a property becomes clear that claim also becomes clear as to not existing. So rather than a claim disappearing when that person leaves a claim is valid till the claim itself decays. A noticeable addition to this with the defense association system and neutrality of resources means that as it decays a person can attain the necessary supplies to fix it and thus claim it for himself however personal possessions within the confines of the property should be delivered or transferred to the previous ownership.

Transition of Businesses

Businesses that transform from the old to new world anarchism will have to radically abolish their structures. One example of that guilds cannot buy and sell land and property. Contrary real estate companies and banks will not be able to exist. Because it is anarchist there is no centralization and this includes structures that seek to buy and transfer land for monetary gain. small and local businesses can achieve the transfer into a guild model, but bigger than that will be unable to.

p>The small businesses model would simply have to evaluate into the model where workers are seen on equal power levels. Rather than being a hierarchal company each one is a member who has equal privileges and powers. rather than competition the emphasis is cooperation on tasks. it would also for ease transition to a commissioned, profit sharing or some other wage format for equal power and privileges. Note with the locality and other reforms monetarily many will be much better off than before.

Ethical Insurance

Under the name of capitalism bosses have inflicted more than one ethically questionable action. The ethical insurance is four parts and designed to allow both parties to be treated in a way they believe to be fair.

  1. Reviews from the guilds. as guilds are not limited by the political structure of the Defense associations they serve as information mediums. this information medium includes making the internet neutral in how it is handled by third parties. Therefore a review given to the guild must be handled in a non biased banner where it is free for everyone to see and judge the business on the ethical practices.
  2. Reviews from the workers themselves. A boss being able to control what his workers say is vertical however workers in this case can submit reviews without coercion as it is submitted by them and them alone.
  3. Anonymous reviews from the surrounding area. randomly picked not by human hands, but rather through a random algorithm this method must be devoid of people. a obvious issue is how to apply this to a remote location. this is where automation again is a critical feature where either A.I. or a paid anonymous is compensated for this journey.
  4. The final reviews come from the defense association itself in order to show a clear picture of what occurs.


Consequences from becoming ethically questionable comes from a multi pronged threat. The first is the threat of workers unhappy with the conditions may arise the factory for themselves, refuse to work, or sabotage. The second consequence is that if conditions are bad enough it may require action. let us use the example of suicidal workers in chinese factories. rather than being apathetic workers would have multiple options. one such option is to unionize, join a defense association to get benefits, join a guild to get benefits or ask for a third party such as a defense association or guild to intervene to resolve the situation. The final consequence when all else fails and no resolution can be reached, is that the strike occurs and the owner in disrupting the NAP and aggressing without stopping will have to accept aggression will occur from the workers. This means they may strike, withhold work or start a campaign against him until sufficient bargaining has occurred in which workers get reasonable demands met.


Currency shall follow a credit system and be devoid of debt. Rather than being fiat their will simply be a common understanding of credits that can be further divided into .01 credits to equal one credit. while this is similar to a dollar this lacks the debt, it is not sanctioned altho this will be a guild and defense association standard and it also unregulated in the sense that one credit is one credit. an obvious problem is gradual inflation that could lead to it collapsing. what prevents it from collapsing is that they are held digitally and at a central deposit location. Rather rather than fractional banking credits will be transferred through online and physical means that will allow holding stations to match the amount total. This also opens up the door for a universal income to occur if Defense associations decide to vote that they will use it to for a basic income to cover food, water, and shelter they may. Credits are specifically deployed at the beginning of each month at a set amount from a central server. These credits can also be transferred into a cash credit slip being a maximum of 1000 credit’s.

Cryptocurrencies will be a staple of the the Anarchist Synthesis community in order to provide the economic freedom for individuals to choose how they want to receive sources.


[1] Firstly the historical drawing upon which this is based on is on first part based upon the kowloon walled city. The kowloon walled city was a old fortress that became a ungoverned city in hong kong. It was also noticeably densely packed and was built from the ground up. Interestingly enough due to the legal situation that it was caught in it was developed without much government oversight. This left little regulation and due to the density of the area it required residents to from close knit communities. What this does represent is the condition of humans to bond together in times of strife. Focusing in on this point it also operated under capitalist economic conditions. Similarly to the idea of anarcho capitalism there was little regulation, but the ideas of capitalism still applied. Despite this residents were still able to form these communities even with the respective centers of production that also opened. It represents an interesting drawing of that people can still form the community bonds as needed even with the existence of capital, property norms, and individual ownership of production rather than the idea of worker/communal ownership.

[2] The next drawing comes from the makhnovshchyna otherwise known as the ukrainian black army and the black guards. The black guards were anarchist militant cells devised by nikiforova in order to bring about wealth distribution and other measures.

[3] The next one is the anarchist zone of shinma. It shows that autonomous anarchist zones can exist. However there needs to be a strong militarized element and constant preparedness for states to wage war against anarchist society

[4] The volost system pertains to the administrative unit in pre soviet union times.

[5] The kibbutz is a system of self sufficient small communities

[6] Catalonia also known as revolutionary catalonia is a spanish territory that was invaded

[7] The iraqi popular mobilization units or PMU are a organization of militias currently combating isis in iraq and a few in syria are also fighting among assads troops.

