Rothbardian Sticky Property
Transactional Sticky Property
Semi-pacifist Sticky Property
Mutualist Possession Property
Collectivist Collective Property
Communist Collective Property
Entitlement Theory of Distributive Justice

Justice in

Justice in
Justice in
Justice in
Deals with acquisition of unowned resources and what types of things can be owned. |
How one person can acquire holdings from another, by voluntary exchange and gift. |
Deals with holdings that are unjustly acquired or transferred, past injustices, esp. those done by government. |
Covers abandonment of property, making it unowned & allowing homesteading per Justice in Acquisition. |
Sufficient use of an unowned resource, aka homesteading, bestows property title. "Sufficient" determined by local consensus, emergent law, and/or natural law principles. |
Voluntary trade or gift. Abandonment criteria are strong, i.e. favoring current owners - aka neo-Lockean, no-proviso Lockean, aka sticky property. |
Stolen property should be returned to the rightful owner.
[Rothbard rectification] |
Weak abandonment criteria, i.e. strongly favors the current owner(s). [allodium] |
A just transfer creates legitimate ownership.
[transactional rectification] |
A successful theft creates legitimate ownership.
[semi-pacifist rectification] |
Voluntary trade or gift. Weak abandonment criteria; no absentee ownership. |
Rothbardian, transactional, or semi-pacifist. |
Strong abandonment criteria, i.e. weakly favors the current owner(s). [usufruct] |
Voluntary trade/gift. Worker collectives own all multiuser capital goods. |
Rothbardian, transactional, or semi-pacifist. |
Voluntary trade/gift between communes, gift economy within. Communes own all multiuser capital goods. |
Rothbardian, transactional, or semi-pacifist. |
The Entitlement Theory was developed by Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia.
Wikipedia article.