Evangeline Pratt Waterman
Covering 1927-1947 - Part 2 of 2
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The Dec 4, 1933 newspaper wrote:
University Club Hears Jubilee Singers. A group of spirituals was sung by local colored singers as a special feature on the program at the University Club Saturday night. A musical guessing game followed with Mrs. J. S. Waterman receiving first prize and Dr. Lewis M. Turner, second. An amusing and entertaining debate was held on the question: “Resolved: That education above the eighth grade should be abolished in the state of Arkansas”. The affirmative was upheld by Robert Leflar and Mrs. H. M. Hosford and the negative by Dean Virgil Jones and Miss Anna Brasfield. Singers included J. W. Webb, Omie Buchanan, Harrison and Jessie Utley, Sarah and Sterling Smith. Songs given included “Stand Right on That Shore”, “I’m Goin’ to Heav’n Anyhow”, “I Wonder What’s the Matter with the Church Today” and “The Christians Won’t Stay Out of the Sinners Way”.The April 18, 1934 newspaper wrote:
Better Homes Daily Tours Are Planned: Pilgrimages to be Made to Gardens and Homes Monday to Friday. Plans for daily “Better Homes Pilgrimages” to study various features of modern homemaking were outlined last night at a meeting of the City Better Homes committee, at the home of the chairman, Miss Eleanor Quinn. W. S. Campbell will be in charge of the morning pilgrimages, which will be to study various types of gardens. Mrs. Fred Thomsen is to be in charge of the afternoon pilgrimages, which will feature various features of new and improved homes. On Monday afternoon playrooms at the home of Mrs. J. S. Waterman will be visited from 2 to 4 o’clock.The greatest heartache of a parent happened on August 13, 1937. The newspaper wrote:
Evangeline Waterman, six-year-old daughter of Dr. Julian S. Waterman, vice president of the University of Arkansas and dean of the University School of Law, and Mrs. Waterman, died last night at 10:30 o’clock following an illness of less than a day. The little girl had been slightly indisposed but was not considered really ill. At 11 o’clock yesterday her condition was such that her father was called home. At four o’clock she was considered critically ill and four physicians were called in conference. The case was pronounced infantile paralysis [polio]. Private funeral services were conducted by Mrs. E. Lelia Barton of the Christian Science church at the home this morning and burial at 10 o’clock was in Fairview Memorial Park. The Waterman home adjoins the Pratt estate where Mrs. Joy Pratt Markham conducts the Hilltop camp, which was immediately dismissed with all children attending being sent home. The family were prostrated today at the child’s sudden illness and death and requested that no telephone calls be made to the home. Dr. and Mrs. Waterman moved from their home today and will reside elsewhere for a time. There also was a request from the family that no flowers be sent. “Any who wish to remember our little girl may do so by giving a book in her memory,” Dr. Waterman said. Friends are establishing a memorial bookshelf in her memory at the University of Arkansas Training school where any books memorializing her will be placed.
Evangeline Waterman, 1931-1937
On November 30, 1938 Evangeline and her husband Julian announced the birth of their son at City Hospital. They named him Julian Pratt Waterman. Evangeline was one month short of 40 years old when she gave birth to Julian, her second and last child. She went home from the hospital on December 10, 1938.
The July 5, 1940 newspaper wrote:AAUW to Aid in Refugee Work. Plans to participate in the national program of war relief work of the American Association of University Women were made by the Fayetteville Branch at a meeting at the Civic club rooms Wednesday. The group voted to pledge $12 a month for one year for the support of one university woman refugee. Voluntary contributions began to be received immediately and within the first hour $25.50 had been given. The group also voted to aid the national headquarters in the placement of children of the British Federation of University Women. Dr. Ester Caukin Brunauer of the headquarters staff writes that plans are being discussed for adjusting the immigration laws of the United States to provide for a large number of child refugees. She further states that up to the limit of the quota, which is fairly large for Great Britain, individual children can come in if the usual regulations are complied with. The aid may be given in three ways: to take a British child for the duration of the war or until the child reaches maturity; to furnish an affidavit for the support of a child in some other home; to offer a home but not financial responsibility. Twelve dollars a month supports a refugee.” Evangeline was listed as part of the auxiliary committee to help canvass the members of the AAUW branch.

Six years after the death of her daughter, Evangeline experienced another heartache, the sudden death of her husband. On Sept 20, 1943 the newspaper wrote: “Final respects were paid to Dean Julian Sessel Waterman, dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law, at funeral services held in the Student Union building at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. John McConnell, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, assisted by W. S. Gregson, University Y.M.C.A. secretary. Music was in charge of Miss Mildred Gillespie, of the University music faculty. Following the service at the union building burial was made in Fairview cemetery with the Watson mortuary in charge. Active pallbearers were: W. J. Bearg, Guerdon D. Nichols, E. B. Meriwether, F. W. Whiteside, Ulys A. Lovell and D. Rutledge Vining. Dr. Waterman, who was also vice president of the university and acting dean of the College of Business Administration, died Saturday afternoon, following complications which resulted from a major emergency operation which he underwent at City hospital September 10.” Evangeline was 44 years old and her son Julian was 4 years old when her husband Julian died.
During the following four years Evangeline continued working in her various clubs and raising her son. Then on October 11, 1947 the Northwest Arkansas Times announced: “Mrs. J. S. Waterman was married to Laird Archer yesterday afternoon in a ceremony solemnized at her home by the Rev. J. P. McConnell, pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church.
Future weeklies will talk about Evangeline Pratt Waterman Archer and her work to help Greek women in the early 1950s, the Nature Conservancy in the late 1950s, the Ozark Society in the 1960s to save the Buffalo River, and her continued conservation and preservation efforts in the 1970s.